Week 7: WRITEs, DISTRIBUTE and Bugfixes

This week’s work was on getting the WRITE statement to work, and extending a DISTRIBUTE extension to SELECT. The rest, was getting some bugfixes and reading. Write The OUTPUT statement in HSQL is intended to be a way to output values to a workunit. In ECL however, OUTPUT can be used to write to a …

Week 6: Plots and TextMate Grammars

This week’s plans were to essentially work on and implement the PLOT statement, and then to see how to update the TextMate Grammar and add in the new syntax. Plots Continuing from last week, we have auto-imports and an AST for Plots. With some little code generation, we can have a functioning PLOT statement. Here’s …

Week 5: Imports, more imports and plots

This week’s plan is to work on imports, as a step leading to the implementation of the PLOT statement. The idea is to be able to locate ECL imports, and hint to the compiler what is contained in an ECL file. DHSQL An idea inspired by the relationship between javascript and TypeScript, the idea is …

Week 4: Working towards SELECT

This week’s work is planned exclusively around getting select to work; its a huge part of the language. The decision, was to use FUNCTIONS, to emulate a SELECT. Why? Because functions in ECL have their own scoping, and local variables declared there, will be usable outside the scope of the function. However, a function cannot …